Here's the arrival of my little prince:
10.20am: visited doc ang, 1cm dilation, baby's head circumference estimated at 36cm which is above average. upon discussion with doc, we decided to induce as i wish to have a natural delivery. we worry if wait longer to full term, baby's head will be too big for vaginal delivery. so inserted tablets to induce.
10.40am: do CTG for abt 20mins, nurse said good signs as there was contraction and baby was active.
1.30pm: visited doc again to check the effect of the induction. baby's head is engaging which is a good sign, but cervix still tight, chance of natural delivery is 70%. doc told me to admit into hospital ard 3pm.
2pm: back home for bathing and get ready to go to hospital.
3.15pm: admit to hospital, sent to observation room 2 ward D. did all the necessary for the preparation of labour.
3.30pm: sent to birth room 10.
4.20pm: doc came in and break water, nurse inserted the syntocin drip to fasten the dilation.
4.30pm: nurse collected 3 tubes of blood for cord blood donation.
5.15pm: contraction at every 3 mins, pain still manageable.
6.30pm: contraction at every 2 mins interval, pain getting more and more intense.
7.15pm: pain unbearable, asked for gas to relief pain.
9.45pm: very sad to hear that not much progress, only 2cm dilation though i have intense contraction. almost cried when i heard this... seems like the chances for natural delivery was very slim... and i was totally drained from all the pains.. hence we decide to have a caesarian.
11.30pm: caesarian began and epidural injected.
11.43pm: my little prince had arrived! weighed at 3.295kg, 50cm and head circumference of 36cm. i cried when i heard his 1st cry... so loud and crystal clear... nurse brought him to me when he was cleaned, he laid down on my chest and blew bubbles of saliva to me... i was smiling and crying the same time... he was so real, so sweet, so heavy, so solid, so peacefully resting on me... all the pains were worthy, because of u... my ziqian baobei... :)