Enjoyed my 4 days 3 nights stay at TMC, the confinement food is superb! Had so many visitors during my stay, esp during noons & evenings, hope my "neighbour" not being annoyed by me & guests :p Coz of caesarian, my incision is quite painful on the first day and i couldn't have much movements, even walking to washroom seems like mission impossible to do it alone!

special person i wish to thank is Mrs Wong, she had visited me twice during my stay, she taught me how to proper latching on baby for breastfeeding. My nipples are flat and baby is very aggresive and demanding so she taught me how to massage my breasts to stimulate the nipples... Feel so grateful for her help, know that she's super busy but she still made an effort to guide me along... Thanks Mrs Wong and all my family & frens for all your lovely presents! :)
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