My dear bao bei had finally turned one month old! :) Buffet lunch was held at home and we invited around 60 guests to share our joy... Many commented that baby has bushy hair, and has a mixture look of daddy and mummy... Baby was very tired i guess, coz he slept throughout the celebration, many aunties uncles wana carried him but didn't have the chance to do so.. :p We had Neo Garden Catering and the food was good, esp the curry chicken.. yummy!
From zi qian baby: Thanks to all aunties, uncles, jie jie & gor gor for the lovely gifts and angbao, and esp thanks to 外婆, 外公和小姨 for helping out in all the preparations... muacks! :) Thanks 外婆 for this lovely babygap bodysuit and styling my hair for me with Gatsby! I'm really yandao :)
The A.B.C family... :)
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