So after his morning milk feed, we set off to the clinic which took us about 20mins of bus ride. Ziqian was so fascinated and curious throughout the bus ride, he kept looking left and right, turned his head to those passengers who talked loudly... I kept mumbling at his ears, telling him "this is a bus and we are going to clinic".
Indeed, carrier does attract more attention than a pram. People will look and smile at baby and commented so cute. So i have more "work" to do, gonna smile back politely more often than usual...
At the clinic, we waited for about 30mins before our turn. Ziqian was tired and dozed off soundly in his carrier. Poor thing, he will have the painful jabs after his sweet dreams :(
Ziqian was 8.1kg and 70cm long in his 5th month. Well progress. We decided not to have Rotavirus oral vaccine today as this little poor boy hasn't fully recover from his cough yet. The 2 jabs on his thighs are already a trauma for him, i really hope he can take it well and no fever after which. He is a brave boy, he didn't cry for both the 2 injections, though he wanted to withdraw his leg when Doc applied the alcohol the second time. Pacifier is redundant here. Ziqian, mummy so proud of you!
And yes, we back home sound and safe :) I'm somewhat proud of myself, it is a great achievement for a timid mummy like me... Both hubby and my mum are also proud of me... This really boost my confidence to venture out further with baby!

* Vain mummy... but just wana captured this meaningful moment & day :p
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