Happy 1st Birthday my darling! :)
It seemed like not long ago i hold a newborn you in my arms. When i delivered you a year ago, you were blowing saliva to me when the nurse put you on my chest... This morning when i woke up and saw a sleeping you, your tutu mouth opened slightly and saliva dropped from the corner of it... You had grown so much in a year, from a mini crybaby to a handsome big baby with strong character and bright smile!
Before the arrival of you to this world, i never thought i would put a halt to my career and stay at home to take care of you fulltime. But when i was helding a 2months old you, who needs so much of my constant attention and love, i knew that i couldnt bear to leave you in other's care, i knew that i must be there to take care and attend to all your little growing needs, i knew that i will miss you terribly when i back to work and we were apart...
I never regret my decision darling... Though there were times that i was very tired and annoyed over your non-explainable crying, your difficult meal and milk feeds, your hyper activeness... But i am so gladful and lucky to be with you, witness your every little "first" - your 1st flip over, 1st smile, 1st crawl, 1st stand up, 1st cruising and your 1st wobbly steps... You make me realised life can be so simple and easily contended, your little smile, hugs and kisses are all the energy i need to recharge myself and move forward again... Ziqian, words cant express how much i love you, papa said im obsessed with you and i believed so... Coz i just want to give you all the best in life and all my love...
Ziqian baobei, mama will continue to shower you with my love and care, take good care of you, i hope you will grow up healthily and happily... And mama is always here for you, hugs hugs & kiss kiss...
* Baobei weighed 10.10kg and measured 81cm exactly on his 1st birthday :)
It seemed like not long ago i hold a newborn you in my arms. When i delivered you a year ago, you were blowing saliva to me when the nurse put you on my chest... This morning when i woke up and saw a sleeping you, your tutu mouth opened slightly and saliva dropped from the corner of it... You had grown so much in a year, from a mini crybaby to a handsome big baby with strong character and bright smile!
Before the arrival of you to this world, i never thought i would put a halt to my career and stay at home to take care of you fulltime. But when i was helding a 2months old you, who needs so much of my constant attention and love, i knew that i couldnt bear to leave you in other's care, i knew that i must be there to take care and attend to all your little growing needs, i knew that i will miss you terribly when i back to work and we were apart...
I never regret my decision darling... Though there were times that i was very tired and annoyed over your non-explainable crying, your difficult meal and milk feeds, your hyper activeness... But i am so gladful and lucky to be with you, witness your every little "first" - your 1st flip over, 1st smile, 1st crawl, 1st stand up, 1st cruising and your 1st wobbly steps... You make me realised life can be so simple and easily contended, your little smile, hugs and kisses are all the energy i need to recharge myself and move forward again... Ziqian, words cant express how much i love you, papa said im obsessed with you and i believed so... Coz i just want to give you all the best in life and all my love...
Ziqian baobei, mama will continue to shower you with my love and care, take good care of you, i hope you will grow up healthily and happily... And mama is always here for you, hugs hugs & kiss kiss...
* Baobei weighed 10.10kg and measured 81cm exactly on his 1st birthday :)
Happy Belated Birthday to ZQ and Congratulation to Mummy. ZQ will have a didi/meimei to play with soon!
I also like ZQ very much, auntie eileen wants to squeeezzzeee your two little cheeks!
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