My baobei turn 6 months old today! Dear and me sang him a "happy 6-months old birthday song" early in the morning when he just woke up and opened his drowsy eyes... He was so sweet and gave us his super big gummy smile after the song... :)
For you, mummy learn... :
For you, mummy learn... :
* to be a singer - Learn to sing those long-forgotten nursery rhymes and incorporate my self-invented amusing actions in it. Sing you songs when you are bored, fussy and sleepy. And you will only doze off to sleep when mummy sing and rock you to sleep but no anyone else... Your fav song now is "Do-re-mi song", which is one of mummy's favourite as well :)
* to be an artist - Learn to draw pictures and paste it all over your cot and play area, hope these can catch some of your attention :)
* to be a doctor -Browse many parenting books and surf the nets for all the medical knowledge i need to equip myself with, signs and symptoms of all sort of sickness, just to make sure mummy can take care of you better...
* to be a nutritionist - Read about what are the more nutrition foods and least allergenic foods for you to have a healthy start of diet in life... Plan your everyday meal to be healthy & delicious one :)
* to be an entertainer - Dance, jump and make those silly actions just to make you smile :)
And mummy still have not done enough for you... Mummy will learn to understand you better, have more patience with you and to shower you with more love, hugs and kisses... Ziqian, mummy enjoys my every moments with you and i love you so much... Muacks!
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