Zq was attacked by this and hospitalised at Mt Alvernia again...
It's was his wheezing sound that made us so worried, and his total rejection of milk (lucky he still took some porridge & cereal). I noticed his slight cough on Tuesday night and his cough get worsen on Wednesday, so we brought him to Pantai Medical Centre @ KL for PD visit. Though this hospital is considered the more specialised one here, but both Dear and me were not that confident with the PD we visited, we thought that his facilities were rather run down and my biggest concern is the way they store the med, and how the nurse handled & dispensed the medicine turned me off and i doubt i will ever visit this clinic again...
We did not want to take this lightly, so we set off to Singapore on Thursday morning as we wanted to visit Dr Terence Tan, baby's usual PD. The journey back home seemed longer than ever to me, i was rather panic and worried as Zq still rejected milk and water throughout the journey... We reached Dr Tan's clinic about 3pm, he commented that baby was gasping for breathe as his breathway was congested, so we immediately put him on nebuliser. Condition improved abit upon this, so Dr asked us to go home and monitor him for the night, if things turned worse, we shall admit him tomorrow morning.
Things not getting any better, he still rejected all the milk & water. So we brought him to Mt A. early on the morning and Dr noticed early signs of dehydration. Baby was admitted and put on drip. Actually i was more relieved now, at least i knew that the drip helped to keep him hydrate though the poking of needles onto his little hand was painful...
He was back to his usual cheeky and active self again! Crusing on the bed, pulling every tubes he can reach, jumping on the bed, smiling at all the nurses and even played peekaboo with them... He was so popular here, the nurses would just popped by to see and play with him, many of them commented on his charming smile... This little boy did not look sick at all! :p
Dear bought him a tricycle from Kiddy Palace to make his hospital stays happier! And we let him ride on this while mummy pushing the tricycle handle and daddy pushing the drip stand! Haa, what a sight :p
Thanks to Aunty Alice for the visit and the super BIG MICKEY! It definately cheered him up! I was so touched with your visit... Really lucky to have a super nice and sincere friend like you, you made my day too :)
Zq was discharged after 2 days stay as his wheezing had subsided, though he still drank very little milk... We wondered where his energy came from since he ate so little but yet still so active! Anyway, we were so glad that he discharged and back to home again...
* Zq, mama hope that you will get stronger after all these ordeals... You are a little warrior i know, just like what Aunty Alice said... Mama will do my best to protect you and give you the best in life... And that's my forever love...