在废渠中发现了一个女人的遗体, 她的死状异常,因为她手脚贴在地上,像是在做伏地挺身。当救灾人员扫去她身上的泥土并把她翻开时,发现一个三,四个月大的宝宝毫发无埙的睡在妈妈怀里。他们把宝宝抱出,发现他被子里有一个手机,上面有这样一则留言:
宝宝, 如果你还活着,要记住我永远爱你。。。
我哭了。。。 眼泪就这样不断的涌出眼眶。。。这个画面多么凄凉 多么悲哀。。。一个妈妈用自己的身躯去保护着她的宝宝,人是如此脆弱, 可是母爱是如此伟大!我很久没这样放声大哭了,实在暗耐不住心里的悲伤,这么短短几个字的遗言却那么刻苦铭心。。。 我是多么的幸福,子骞一直在我身旁,天天能够抱着他喂奶,天天能够为他洗澡,能天天看着他渐渐长大,我还能要求什么。。。 擦干了眼泪,我走进房里,看着他熟睡的样子,我是幸福的。。。 我要懂得惜福。。。
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
"Royale Prince" in Britax
Fall in love with this super comfortable carseat at the 1st sight. Thanks to Alice, Dewi and other mummies who feedback on this! :)
We paid around $250 for this Britax Sale & Sound series - Royale model baby carseat after Robinson discount and $100 Robinson vouchers. It's definately a good buy!
Look at his smug face in his new throne :p

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Botanical Garden
We had a "picnic" at Botanical Garden today! This is a meaningful place for us as we had our outdoor wedding photo shoot here in Yr 2005. Though it was meant to be a picnic, but no sandwiches and drinks for Dear and me, only Ziqian got to enjoy his cereal and rusks :)
Nevertheless, we enjoyed the good weather and the good ambience... Children are playing and running about, people playing guitars and singing... A very relaxing evening we had and i look forward to have more such lazy & refreshing break :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008
My 1st Mother's Day
A very special day for me, as this is my very 1st Mother's Day. ...
Although it's day of celebration and rewarding all Mothers for the hardwork of taking care of their precious ones, but to me, it is more like a self-reflection day for the past 7 months as a new mum. And i realised i was not being a very good mother to him, many things i need to improve on to take care of him better... He has been very sweet lately, keep smiling at me, stroking my face and hair when i put my face near his... Never mind that he seems to reach those milestones later than some of the babies, having him so healthy and lovely, what more can i ask for :)
And lastly, Thanks to Dear for making my 1st Mother's Day sweeter....

Ziqian with beautiful lilies...

Hmm... The motive of Dear getting me this book is so obvious right!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Ziqian is 7 months old! :)
Bao bei, happy 7 months old! :)

Photos were taken on plane on our way back from Phuket to Singapore. Look at how cheeky he was! The air pressure had no impact on him at all, no crying and fussing around even during plane take off & landing, the only effects on him were exceptionally HIGH and HAPPY!

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Daddy & Baby's Time
Daddy is trying to have more bonding with Ziqian by.... :

Napping together

Surfing together (hope they were not surfing any "indecent" websites hor)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Gymboree Trial
Finally had this opportunity to let Ziqian meet his little friends and i was also excited to meet all the Oct mummies at Gymboree (Harbourfront)! :)

Personally, i find this trial was so-so only. I think it would be good if the instructor gave us a brief introduction in advance what are the contents of the class and what are the games/ exercise she will run through, so that we (parents) are more prepared and can anticipate the entire programme better. The lesson was more like a work-out for parents as i was so exhausted after which. Ziqian is temperamental throughout the class, sometimes he was so excited with the games and beaming with his gummy smile, but he will cry the next moment... Haa, this unpredictable boy!
I find that though he was very loud and attention -seeker, but he don't really like to socialise with other babies. He seldom looked at them, touched them and played with them. Maybe he's too young for all these, or maybe he's just like his daddy, who don't like to socialise as well... (He definately doesn't take after me for this, as mummy loves to make friends! :)
However, i had a good time chit-chatting with the mummies & daddies. Look forward to more trial classes of different nature! Kindermusiz, aquaducks maybe? Ziqian knows best :)

He was perspiring even before the lesson started...

Ziqian and Zining

Daddy & mummy at the "work-out"

He loves this bouncy ball

Crying & laughing in just a few minutes time... You are just so cute my darling! Mummy loves loves loves u...
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