Personally, i find this trial was so-so only. I think it would be good if the instructor gave us a brief introduction in advance what are the contents of the class and what are the games/ exercise she will run through, so that we (parents) are more prepared and can anticipate the entire programme better. The lesson was more like a work-out for parents as i was so exhausted after which. Ziqian is temperamental throughout the class, sometimes he was so excited with the games and beaming with his gummy smile, but he will cry the next moment... Haa, this unpredictable boy!
I find that though he was very loud and attention -seeker, but he don't really like to socialise with other babies. He seldom looked at them, touched them and played with them. Maybe he's too young for all these, or maybe he's just like his daddy, who don't like to socialise as well... (He definately doesn't take after me for this, as mummy loves to make friends! :)
However, i had a good time chit-chatting with the mummies & daddies. Look forward to more trial classes of different nature! Kindermusiz, aquaducks maybe? Ziqian knows best :)

He was perspiring even before the lesson started...

Ziqian and Zining

Daddy & mummy at the "work-out"

He loves this bouncy ball

Crying & laughing in just a few minutes time... You are just so cute my darling! Mummy loves loves loves u...
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