Friday, January 30, 2009
Gynae & PD Review
He weighed 11kg and 85cm tall. I voiced out my concern of Zq's slow weight increment and Dr assured me that it was normal for baby around this age to gain their weight very slowly, they grow more in height instead.
We were glad to hear that his asthma was well-controlled. He is so active nowadays that PD said it's a good thing as he exercise lots and that definately helps his lungs and build up his immunity.
As for his speech development, PD said that it is generally slower for boys. So we just have to monitor his situation till he's 2 yr old. Meanwhile, i will still keep reading story books and singing to him. Hope he will start calling Mama & Papa soon! :) He able to understand lots of things and commands, so PD said not to worry about his mental development, his speech development will improve if we keep talking to him.
I also visited my gynae today for a final review. All was well and little baobei was 606g as at my week 22+... We had a 3D scan for him but only part of his face was revealed as his right hand blocked his right side of face.. hee..
And what's more, we spent about $400 to buy all my pregnancy supplements and all Zq's basic medicines. I think it's better play safe than to be sorry, so i had a 1st aid kit box set up just for Zq. And now we are all ready for this relocation, hope it will be a happy and smooth one! :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
CNY Reunion Lunch 2009

Zq: Im all ready for the yummy food! Im sure look handsome in this tang zhuang right? hee...
Practicing Gongxi Gongxi at the table wi his enchanting smile, he knows how to win ppl hearts for sure! :p
Mischievous look!
U can see how greedy both my sis are! HAA!
Papa & mama

KC and ah jing
Da jie and family (xun xun is sleeping soundly in her pram.. so cute!)
Zq busy messing around with the non-smoking sign.. So difficult to take photos of him nowadays coz he simply refuse to stay still, and dun bother to bring along his stroller nowadays coz he refuse to sit in as well! Always starts screaming and yelling loud when we start to lower him on any seats, be it high chair or stroller, he really loves to roam about and never wan to be confine even in a room, he can walk 2 hours non-stop and without wanting us to carry... He will only sit in his car seat obediently coz he knows it's gai gai time.. What a smart boy!
Our family photos:
I love this photo very much! I think everyone looks fabulous in our oriental costumes!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Flu Vaccine
He seemed to remember the clinic, so he was rather apprehend when i brought him in. But all was done very quickly and he was back to his usual cheeky self after a short loud wail! :p
His next vaccination will be in May-09 for his 2nd dose of Hep A.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Glad that the quality turned out as good as what i expected. And i think it was really a good deal coz i bought a pair of it at S$50+
And i'm now contemplating to get more beautiful designs of it! :)
Thanks Esther for your help! Muacks!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Boys should be boys
Friday, January 9, 2009
Back from Beijing

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
First 2 days at Beijing
I bet this is the 1st trip in my life that im not reall enjoying, simply because Zq is not by my side, i miss him so badly... But im glad that i didn't bring him along as it's freezing here with temperature hovering ard -3 to 3 degree celsius...
It have been quite a fruitful trip so far, we visited quite a number of apartments here at Palm Spring International Apartments and Park Avenue and the shortlisted school for Zq. We are very satisfied with the school, with its very spacious and beautiful nursery class, their montessori programmes seems very interesting and focus lots on lifeskill. However Zq has to go thru a body-checkup before enrolment and we shall bring him to one of these checkup when we here at early Feb, to prepare him for his enrolment on early March.
The apartments here are very highclass, just like 5 star hotels settings and finishings, and the amenities are good as well, so most likely we will decide on an apartment before we back to Singapore. We will find time to go to the wholesale centres here, heard items are cheap & good, i must grab some back for Zq!
When we left home for airport yesterday morning, Zq suddenly woke up at 6am and he clinged onto me and didn't wana let go, kept crying while my ma carried him away... i was very very very sad, never so sad before.. I cried all the way from home to airport, and till now i still weep on n off when i think of Zq.. I had packed one of his worn clothing in my luggage coz i wana smell his body smell when i miss him... Im teary now again.. This is the 1st time i leave his side for so long.. I have been with him for almost 24/7 since he was borned, so this parting is so so miserable for me and i never want this to happen again...
When i called back home, mama said he was generally ok, still eat & play well, but occassionally he will walk ard the house and seems like looking for someone.. I cried immediately when i heard this, i very sad and hope Zq not thinking that mummy don't want him already... I really wish i can fly home now and hug him tight...
Monday, January 5, 2009
It's a BOY!
Xiao baobei is very cooperative today and the scan was done smoothly. The sonographer commented that baby is BIG as most of his measurement (head circumference, femur length, humerus length, abdominal circumference all exceed 95 percentile!)
And from the side view, he has high nose as Zq also :) Much more relieved now to know that baby is growing well and active in me, coz till now i have yet to feel his movements.. She told me might be the fluid that as a barrier for me to detect anything but i think more likely to be my super duper thick FAT hindering xiao baobei to "communicate" to me! So baobei, u must kick mummy harder ya! hee..
Upon seeing the report, Dr Ang decided to shift my EDD earlier by a week. So most probably i will be having a Taurus + Cow boy, doublr bullish! :)
And he also explained to me my wish to have VBAC (vagina birth after caessarian), we have to depend on baby's size also, if he's too big (>3.2kg), there's a risk of my wound rupture during delivery and baby will be very very dangerous.. So i shall not think about it first, just enjoy the rest of my 4months and wait for my big day! :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Reunion dinner 2009

I think they must have forgotten abt me.. Mama & papa, im still waiting for my share leh!
Here's the link of our last year reunion dinner. See how much Zq had grown! :)