Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Curry Chicken Rendang

Yes, Zq is going to school
It will be a good learning and playing place for him since he loves to interact with other kids so much. Like what my PD told me, we cant confine him in a bubble and life goes on. He is an active and curious kid so we shall let him have more exposure.
We will monitor his progress and health for a period of time, if it's not favourable then we may stop or postpone his class. I think minor sickness like flu & cough are unavoidable, like what many told me, it's part & parcel of their growing up and they may grow stronger after all these ordeals.. So i pray hard.
And enrolling him into this bilingual nursery programme definately not an easy task for me! Coz the school had gave me a thick portfolio of information. I need to fill up tonnes of mandatory forms for the school coz they wana understand each child better and help them to progress. Seriously speaking, some of the forms are really a challenge to me coz the questions they asked are things i seldom observe and pay attention on Zq.
And there are also tonnes of information on the school and their philosophy i have to read about. The principal shared with me that it's good that we know about their teaching skill and the learning environment they thrive to provide for each kid, so i may continue and adapt all these concepts at home to provide an overall & multi aspects learning experiences for Zq. So, sending him into a nursery seems like more WORK on me! haa
Monday, February 23, 2009
Shd i or shdn't i...
This has been bugging on my mind for the longest time. Actually we had brought him for a trial and he seems to enjoy it and exceptionally curious with the new surrounding and new friends, totally oblivious of both Dear and my presence...
But but but, there are still many concerns that make me so indesicive over this...
Some pros of it are:
* hopefully he will be able to learn new things and improve his self dependency under this montessori environment
* make new friends and socialising with them, learn to share and take turns
* less off my load abit and im able to have more free time to take care of my newborn
Some cons of it are:
* cant help but find that he's too young for school, though it's only a half day class
* it's common for kids to get sick at childcare
* very expensive school fee (S$1200/mth for 5 days a week, 3 hours a day class)
* sometimes he still needs to have a short nap on morning
* disturbed by the break when I have to back Spore for delivery, he might get cranky again when we put him back to sch after we back to BJ
How how how?! His school gonna start next Monday and im still so confused now.. Shd i continue with the plan or postpone till he's much older? Argh! Im having a headache again...
Mouth Ulcer
Some info on toddler's mouth ulcer:
Ulcers in the mouth are pretty common in childhood and are usually caused by viruses such as herpes or the Coxsackie virus. They're typically gray or yellow with a red rim and may develop on the gums, the tongue, or the lining of the cheeks. They can occur alone or along with an illness that also includes fever, rash, cold symptoms, vomiting, or diarrhea.
Ulcers go away without treatment, and usually feel better within a week (although they may take longer to completely clear up). The biggest risk to a child is dehydration, if the pain stops him from drinking (this is most common in infants and toddlers). While it's okay if your child doesn't want to eat for a couple of days -- he will when he feels better, and not eating is sometimes how the body conserves energy to help fight off the virus -- he must drink. Stay away from anything acidic, though, such as orange juice or lemonade, which can sting. Cold liquids often go down better than hot; Popsicles may be a good choice since the iciness can ease discomfort (and kids feel like they're getting a treat). When he's ready to eat, avoid salty or spicy foods; they also sting. For starters, try things like ice cream, Jell-O, or pudding.
I often prescribe a mouthwash for kids with painful mouth ulcers (your pharmacist will mix it; it typically contains a one-to-one ratio of Benadryl and Maalox or Kaopectate). This coats the sores so it doesn't hurt so much when they drink. Older kids can swish the mixture around their mouth and spit it out; littler ones can have it gently painted on the ulcers with a cotton swab.If he truly won't take anything by mouth, call your doctor (you should also call if he has a fever higher than 102°F, if he's lethargic, if he has decreased urine output, or if an ulcer lasts for more than two weeks). In those cases, sometimes a stronger version of the mouthwash that includes an anesthetic may be prescribed. In rare cases, children who flat-out refuse to drink may need to be hospitalized to get intravenous fluids while their ulcers heal.
Friday, February 20, 2009
For Darius... My little baobei
You are a strong boy of mine, who gone thru alot with mama... You were conceived in KL Malaysia, just like Mama (a product of Malaysia!). And we moved back to Singapore when mama was about 2 mths pregnant with you. Shortly after which, we got to know Papa gonna relocated to Beijing and all the hectic packing and logistic comes in again, and you had your 1st flight in mama's tummy to Beijing early Jan to recce for our accommodation then... But you are just so strong and loves mummy so much that you seldom give me any discomfort and worries... I love you Darius... very very much..
Pls pardon mama for lesser time talking to you, lesser music played for you, lesser "massaging" for you coz mama is always so occupied with Gor gor and totally beaten at the end of the day... Mama wana tell you that i love you both as much, both of you are the greatest gifts in my life and im very very fortunate to have you... Im sure both you and Gor gor will love each others too and become the best playmates and buddies! Did you sense the "poking" game that Gor gor play with you everyday? He will lift up mama's shirt and poke his index finger on my belly button to play with you.. Can you sense his way of saying "hello" to you? All of us look forward the day of your arrival.. Meanwhile you stay warm and happy inside mama ya... :)
Anyway, we had a joke on namings today.. And here's what Papa & Mama derived:
Gor gor's name: Anderson Poh, A.P = Associate Professor (Wow!)
Your name: Darius Poh, D.P = Deputy President (Cool!)
Papa's name: Benjamin Poh, B.P = "Bang Pui" (Wahaha, the coolest of all! :p)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Our 1st Snow @ BJ

Trying hard to get him cooperate to take a snow scene photo!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Our Valentine's Day
We started our day at Gymboree (Beijing Jianwai SOHO), quite a posh and nice place that situated at the CBD area. It was a free trial class and i was glad that we didn't have to pay anything for this coz the trial turned out to be quite disappointing. And it was not a cheap lesson afterall, costs 260 yuan (estm S$60 for a 45 mins lesson).

And we saw this on our doorstep when we reached home:

Zq quickly grabbed one and hide behind the curtain :p

I love this self-taken photo! :)
Nothing fanciful from hubby, just a bouquet of lily (as usual)... I must admit that im rather disappointed, though im not expecting anything expensive, but at least a card with his deep-down heart thoughts will definately be able to warm my heart... Especially after so much happened recently - the relocation, my 2nd preggie, his hectic work that always leave Zq and me alone at home... Sometimes, i really miss the very romantic hubby of mine...

Sunday, February 8, 2009
1st Sunday @ BJ

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Teething maybe...
- sore, red gums (not sure)
- flushed cheeks (yes!)
- loss of appetite (yes! he rejected his dinner)
- a slight rise in temperature (but not above 39oC, which indicates a fever) (yes, measured at 38 degree ard 7pm)
- dribbling (which may cause a rash or sore, chapped skin on the chin) (YES!)
- a sudden desire to chew anything they can lay their hands on! (is Gerber star puff considered? he has a strong craving for this today)
- an urge to bite. This should not be perceived as a sign of aggression or anger, more of a means to ease the pain. (not really biting but throwing things)

Till date, he has 6 teeth (2 pairs of upper incisor and a pair of bottom incisor). The bottom lateral incisor had cut through though but still very tiny weeny.
We shall monitor his condition closely, hope he will have a better rest at night...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
And this video was taken from the window of my bedroom!
Firework @ Beijing - 04.02.09 from Carol Toh on Vimeo.
After piling up a few layers of clothing, with thick socks and shoes, Zq had quite a time to get used to it and slowly regain his agility. Hee.
He was fascinated with the slides and attempted to walk up the ladder himself though he was not good at this yet. Walking down ladder and stairs are definately easier job for him than walking up. And he make a new fren here, a 2 yr old girl from HK. She was so lovely and sweet, a caring girl as well as she hold Zq's hand to climb up the ladder and slide down together.. Ooh..
They had a fun time playing together coz Zq was running and chasing her doggie all over the playground!

i wonder is the doggie feel cold????
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Beijing - Here we come!
Asia-mover had packed and sea-freight majority of our parcels - 20 bulky parcels of it, including zq's cot, baby food, our clothings, books, zq's toys, kitchen wares and many many other essential. It's a big-scale of moving house as it's not within the island but cross the Pacific Ocean! And we are expecting to arrive our stuff around mid-February. So which means we still have to lug all the immediate essential stuff over ourself.
It's a really challenge to bring a total of 4 checked-in suitcase (60kg), 3 hand-carried bags (including his nebuliser machine), 1 carseat (damn heavy Britax Royale), 1 stroller (luckily it's light-weight Maclaren Volo), 1 active toddler on board. And consider my current situation, a very bulky and heavy cum slow motion pregnant woman, i can only say "Dear, 拜拖你了"... haa :p
Generally Zq had been quite well-behaved throughout the journey and managed to have his nap about 2.5hours. However the bassinet was really too short for him, so he just sat in to play and R&R, he slept in his papa's comfy arms... :)
He had no problem for plane taking off and landing at all, and pacifier was redundant. This is his 3rd air-flight, 1st to Phuket when he was 6mth old, 2nd time was from KL to Spore when he was about 9mth old. Due to his nature, i think he has no time to worry and nervous about, coz he was busy touching and meddling with all the unfamiliar things around him, e.g. our earpiece, the flight screen, the remote control and of course air-stewardess! haa
My sam-seng boy on plane...