Asia-mover had packed and sea-freight majority of our parcels - 20 bulky parcels of it, including zq's cot, baby food, our clothings, books, zq's toys, kitchen wares and many many other essential. It's a big-scale of moving house as it's not within the island but cross the Pacific Ocean! And we are expecting to arrive our stuff around mid-February. So which means we still have to lug all the immediate essential stuff over ourself.
It's a really challenge to bring a total of 4 checked-in suitcase (60kg), 3 hand-carried bags (including his nebuliser machine), 1 carseat (damn heavy Britax Royale), 1 stroller (luckily it's light-weight Maclaren Volo), 1 active toddler on board. And consider my current situation, a very bulky and heavy cum slow motion pregnant woman, i can only say "Dear, 拜拖你了"... haa :p
Generally Zq had been quite well-behaved throughout the journey and managed to have his nap about 2.5hours. However the bassinet was really too short for him, so he just sat in to play and R&R, he slept in his papa's comfy arms... :)
He had no problem for plane taking off and landing at all, and pacifier was redundant. This is his 3rd air-flight, 1st to Phuket when he was 6mth old, 2nd time was from KL to Spore when he was about 9mth old. Due to his nature, i think he has no time to worry and nervous about, coz he was busy touching and meddling with all the unfamiliar things around him, e.g. our earpiece, the flight screen, the remote control and of course air-stewardess! haa
My sam-seng boy on plane...

At Beijing Airport (the "bao bak-zhang" begin)

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