Zq's fever has been fluctuating between 37.5 to 39 degree celsius since Thursday night. He is very cranky and fussy as well, so we decided to bring him for a PD visit this morning. As we suspect his illness is more than simple teething.
Still in the mood of posing for my camera before we set off for the clinic
(look at the corner of his mouth, the leftover of his dragonfruit!)

We brought him to Amcare Women & Children's Hospital. It was just 10 minute drive from our place. To my surprise, the hospital is a very cosy and well-organised one, from registration to collection of medicines. There are personal touch in this hospital as the pharmacist even walked out and dispense the meds to me individually, she even asked me what other med/ supplements Zq taking now so she can write down the detailed sequences of each. And the stuff there are all very polite and friendly. I think i will book a gynae visit here as well. Not knowing any good PD there, so we were assigned to a Professor (Professor Yu Ren-Jie), he does has a funny name right? Dear said it's equivalent to "April Fool"!
He is an old PD, around his 60's. But he is very attentive and caring. He examined Zq carefully by checking his ear, throat, eyes, head, hand, legs, fingers and hearing to his lungs. Then he talked to us to understand more about Zq's background. And we are right, it's more than teething, he's having throat infection! This explain his rejection towards food and his restless nights, as his throat infection affect his ear infection and the water balance btw both affected as well, thus he couldn't sleep well at all coz of the pain & disturbance at his ears and throats :(
He commented that it's common in kids when they have a sudden change of environments, from a hot & humid to a cold country. This infection and fever thing will gradually subside over 5-7 days and Zq's fever peak was already over, he told us that he will be fully recover very soon. He also said that it's good that Zq still looked alert and playful. Virus common at cold climate so he asked us to take extra precaution and less outdoor at the moment, esp he is still a young toddler.
Upon listening to his advice, now Dear and me are having 2nd thought of enrolling Zq into the Etonkids nursery at the beginning of March. We might wait till when we back to Beijing after the delivery of my 2nd baby. Hmm... shall give a serious thought on this..

At the clubhouse

Dear and Zq fake their smile for the camera, their fav "hobby" now.. All thanks to Wheel on the Bus!

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