Zq's 1st movie! It's also OUR 1st movie.
I had "prepared" him for the cinema & movie few days in advance and he was all excited over this. Keep asking me "妈妈,我们几时去蓝色港湾看电影?" And i had briefly shared with him the storyline of Toy Story to keep him enticed.
We chose the 10.30am timeslot at Sanlitun Village cinema. The timing was perfect as we would have lunch over there straight after the show, Papa & An An will be coming over to meet up with us. But we were late for the movie, arrived at 10.40am and the cinema was in pitch-dark when we entered. I quickly located our seats and settled Zq. He was very curious about the surrounding and he insisted to sit in his own seat (lucky me! but not for long... sigh). About 30mins after the show, he started to fidget and told me he wanted to go watch other show, i was rather disappointed to see that he didn't really enjoy himself, didn't want to share my popcorn and drinks also. I assured him that it's a really interesting movie and we would see more funny toys later on. He was abit reluctant but didn't fuss bigger. So i offered him to sit on my lap and watch the show together with me. I started to narrate the story to him and he was happier and started to load me with lots of "WHY" which it's good, at least he gave a thought about it rather than whining to leave. Hee. But the computer-animated 3D movie made Zq's head giddy as most of the time he reluctant to put on his "glasses".
The 90mins show breezed through. I couldn't get enough of it as i really love the story line, it was so touching and i teared at the end of it. When the lights of the cinema were on, Zq saw my teary eyes and asked me ”妈妈,您怎么了?" in a very concerned voice.. After sharing with him my feeling i also made use of the opportunity to tell him to cherish & treasure his toys, do not dump them aside and remember to keep them in place after playing. Not sure will there be any effect but i hope he registered something i delivered. Now the lights on and he finally get to see the "look" of the cinema and he was so interesting to see so many chairs and people around, and contrary to his earlier request, he now begged me to stay in the cinema for another show.. haa!
Always enjoy my little dates with him, be it a stroll to supermarket, a baking session in kitchen and now our movie dates. Not long from now he will held hand with his girlfriend for a movie in cinema, so i shall treasure my time with him now though it was actually quite challenging to handle an active toddler in cinema alone. :p