I always heard people said that they wish their kids grow up faster but i am to the contrary. With a little toddler blabberings with such a sweet & babyish voice, always hugs and kisses me so readily, a pair of chubby rosy cheeks that i couldn't help but kiss & bite every hour, i really enjoy this stage of my lil bear.. he's so adorable and i never feel so blissful ever... (before the T2 kicks in) haa.
To me, An An is quite an independent baby. Though he's not expert in self-feeding yet, no toilet-training started yet, but he ables to self-entertain and explore on his own for the longest time. I love to observe him from aside, he loves to get some crayon and start scribble on papers, then move on to markers to draw on easel, and he has a strong liking to cars & trains that he usually carries around the house. He loves to read as well though i am still trying hard to understand his story-telling. He loves to sing and dance, it's amazing to me that he able to sing sentences in the "Wheels on the Bus" and many other songs. He loves to count, though the numbers always get jumble up and his favourite number is 19! Coz this is always his ending number whenever he counts though there are only 5 trucks in the line. He loves World Map as well, he loves "studying" the map and point to me where's "Sing sing sing-a-poh"! And i notice he seems to be a left-hander as he likes to point, holds spoon & pencils with his left hand. Maybe it's still too early to make the verdict so we shall see :)
And the brothers are getting more interactions than ever, apart fromthe routine snatching of toys, they seems to have found a new way to "play" together. They loves to hold hands whenever we are out, they loves to read together though the books sometimes get torn apart before the story ends. And sometimes i notice the boys are having "boys-talk", sit at a corner and "chit-chat", and gor gor loves to show didi how to play the toys.. It's just so heartwarming to see them loving each other.. I am glad i have given them a great companion of life.. :)
With a whooping weight of 14.9kg and 88cm at 18months old, he looks just like a lil teddy bear. Perhaps it's my good quality of breastmilk that make him so strong & macho. And i am so glad i am able to provide him my breastmilk for the past 18months. It's hard for me to wean off and say goodbye to my Medela, but i think it's time for me to move on.. An An, you are my lil angel who always able to bring hope and happiness to my life.. Thanks for coming to my life, you complete our lovely family.. Mama, papa & gor gor love you much, you are always our precious :)
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