Zq's school is going to celebrate Thanksgiving this Friday. This American holiday is a time where we gather together as families and communities, and reflect on the many blessings we are grateful for. It's a meaningful celebration and a good opportunity to teach the boys how to be thanksful, appreciate and treasure people that care for us and things we have.
There will be 3 campaigns to the event - a raffle, a silent auction, and a painting auction. All the fund raised is for Kiki's Kindergarten (http://kikikids.org/), the 1st blind school for children between 2-6 years old in Shigatse Tibet. And each class will have its own class painting for the parents of that classroom to bid on. The children will be blindfolded while painting so they can experience what it feels like to be without sight. How meaningful this is.
I have been sharing with Zq this upcoming event and in order for him to show the virtue of gratitude and thankfulness, we are doing Thanksgiving cards for all the 6 teachers in his class.

Our creative way to say Thank You to the teachers! :)
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