This is definately a hectic morning for me!
2 important things to get done before 10.15am:
1) To cook his lunch (today is salmon porridge with green pea) very early at 9am
2) To settle him for his morning nap earlier at 9.15am (so he will have an hour nap and get ready for his class)

Ziqian and his school bag! (Darling, don't look so serious, this is supposed to be a playclass for you to play, no homework for u yet :p)
Everything went smoothly as planned and i reached Julia Gabriel @ Forum very punctually. Collected his new student slip and library card and headed straight to Playroom #6!
The 1.5hour passed so quickly! Ziqian was abit quiet and observant initially, he looked around what's happening around him and cautious to make his 1st move... But that was only like 10mins peaceful moment before his excitement, he started crawl to other babies and stared hard at them, touched them and played toys with them! And whats more, he crawled to the pretty jie jie (14month old Yi Ning) and started to touch her face! I think Yi Ning is also attracted by Ziqian and she stroked him back, they started to touch each other and both mummies didn't stop them! Haa.. Too bad the teachers started the class and all babies had to sit down for the welcome song :)
We had story telling, music session, danced around, art & craft thingy, snacks time, outdoor playtime... Among all these, my favourite is the art & craft! All Ziqian's little fingers was dipped into bowl of yellow paint to paint a yellow snake! He was so happy and kept tapping the yellow paint on his fingers onto the paper snake and shouted with thrill! When the teacher asked are we done for the collection of their "artpiece", he simply didn't want to stop and snatched the bowl of yellow paint with teacher! Haa... I have a Picasso here :p

Look at his painted face! :)
And papa surprised us with his visit! He said he wanted to give Ziqian his support on his first lesson, how sweet... :) We had lunch together and Ziqian finished his super big bowl of porridge, guessed the activities burnt our lots of his energy!
Overall, i enjoyed the session alot and i believed Ziqian as well, coz he was all smiley and active throughout the class... And im happy to sign him up for this :)
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