He ran to me while i was preparing his dinner at the kitchen. It shocked me to see his white pants was stained with spots of bloods. Then he stretched out his right hand to show me his fingers, the last finger was oozing with blood non-stop! I quickly grabbed a hanky and pressed on his wound to stop the blood, but the blood just oozed out non-stop and i was totally freaked out. Tried a few plaster but was no use, the plasters were simply too big for his little finger and he could easily took it out.
Called hubby on phone and asked for any idea to stop the blood, he asked me to wash his wound and press on it lightly with a cold hanky, then wrap it up with a tissue if plaster is too big for him. I followed his instructions, the blood seemed to be under controlled.
Throughout all these ordeals, he was very calm, no crying and whining, just a little disturbed by the ugly bandage. I tried to find the source/ cause of the wound after the wrap-up but to no avail. Till now, i am still puzzled where and how he got the cut which was quite a deep one.
Felt so painful that he had to go through all these, and guilty at the same time that i didn't keep all the dangerous stuff away from him. But he really amazed me with his calmness, by staying cooperative throughout the medic process by a frantic mummy, and showing me the wound immediately when the cut was made. Zq, you seems like a big boy to mama now...

His injured finger
This is what i done to his wounded finger, after 5 trials of wrapping up with tissue & scotch tape. It looked horrible but this was the best i could do.
Poor boy, staring intensely at the playground downstair after the ordeals..

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