The lovely cheeky face that i cant resist to muack muack muack all day...............

Zq, seems like we just had your 1st Birthday celebration yesterday and you are now 18th month old!
Some of the things you capable of doing nowadays:
- knows how to say boy & girl and distinguish the genders on streets and pictures on books
- calling me "mama" with your ultra sweeeet tone and lovely expression everyday, i think more than 20 times a day? and this makes your papa very jealous for sure :p
- says “Volvo” whenever you saw flower & butterfly
- you are very clingy towards me nowadays, always hug on my legs and backside while I cook dinner in kitchen, so it often takes me longer to cook our meals
- able to distinguish a wide variety of animals: on top of the ones that I mentioned/ shown on video before, you able to recognize frog, rabbit, antelope, gorilla, cheetah, orangutan, rhinocerous, skunk, wolf, camel.. maybe like what Choy Yeen yiyi said, you aspires to be a zoologist when grown up.. haa
And you are weighing at 11.8kg and 84cm in height. Seems like your growth has been quite slow over the past few months, not sure whether is it because of your high metabolism rate or your activeness that burn out all the fat. But many mummies assured me this is normal for toddler at your age, so i guess i don't have to be bothered so much, as long as you are growing healthily and happily :)
Some of the things you capable of doing nowadays:
- knows how to say boy & girl and distinguish the genders on streets and pictures on books
- calling me "mama" with your ultra sweeeet tone and lovely expression everyday, i think more than 20 times a day? and this makes your papa very jealous for sure :p
- says “Volvo” whenever you saw flower & butterfly
- you are very clingy towards me nowadays, always hug on my legs and backside while I cook dinner in kitchen, so it often takes me longer to cook our meals
- able to distinguish a wide variety of animals: on top of the ones that I mentioned/ shown on video before, you able to recognize frog, rabbit, antelope, gorilla, cheetah, orangutan, rhinocerous, skunk, wolf, camel.. maybe like what Choy Yeen yiyi said, you aspires to be a zoologist when grown up.. haa
And you are weighing at 11.8kg and 84cm in height. Seems like your growth has been quite slow over the past few months, not sure whether is it because of your high metabolism rate or your activeness that burn out all the fat. But many mummies assured me this is normal for toddler at your age, so i guess i don't have to be bothered so much, as long as you are growing healthily and happily :)
Looking back 18mths ago, you have grown up so much… from a tiny infant in my arms, who relies on me totally for your every needs, to a little boy who gains some independence and eager to show it to me every now and then.. Though your independence may result in more “work” and “trouble” for me most of the time. But im still glad you are a courageous boy who dare to try out all the thing, despite all the bumps and cuts you get.. You can be quite a handful now eversince your physical mobility and behavioural maturity improve, as you keeps on challenging yourself and me in doing those dangerous stunts and push my limits on getting what you wants which you knows you not suppose to do so.
For me, it’s a continuing learning process, I have to watch my words & behaviours when disciplining you. It is definitely not an easy task as im not a very patient person either. But I have to try my best, to lay down a positive discipline ground and growing environment for you.
This 18mths had been very fruitful journey for me… And im so glad I can be with you all the while to witness every of your special moments..
And I’m thankful to you, my Dear, for supporting me to be a full time mummy. I really grateful to you as you have been working hard to provide all our needs, be it essential or luxurious, and you never complained at all… Eversince im pregnant with our 2nd boy, there are many sweet little things you do, the full body massage every night, the waking up early every morning to feed Zq breakfast before you left for work in order for me to have more rest.. You doing all these yourself without my request and im real touched.. Thanks for everything dear.. I am blessed to have you and happy for Zq to have a father like you…
Zq, Papa and Mama love you very much... And you gonna be a big brother soon, we hope you will love didi as we do which im sure you will... You have been a good brother, sayang and kiss didi everyday, and have learnt how to burp didi... Mama is very proud of you, and you will always be my dear baby... :)
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