This cheeky boy cant wait to "test-drive" and give me funny poses on his new bike :p

Cant sit still for a single second! Papa had to fix up the bike while make sure Zq would not fall down from it. I tried to drag cum bluff him down but to no avail.

The end product! Thanks Dear! :)

Brought him down to the playground with his new bike. He was anxious to come down from it once he reached.
Insist to climb up the stair himself without any help
Interested in other's basketball
Trying different ways to slide down

Prefers to push the bike instead of sitting on it

dodo, the doraemon bike is soooo CUTE! where did u get it? I am a super doraemon fan!
adv_sports from SMH maymtb
hi adv sport,
haa.. i got it here at Beijing!
super cute right! i wish got adult's version... haa
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