I bought it at 1700 renminbi (about S$340). Quite a good deal i think. And when i told Zq that i got a playhouse for him, he was so excited and kept asking me "妈妈, 我的小屋来了吗?” “妈妈,我的小屋呢? 叔叔几时送来?” The delivery takes about 3 days, so i asked him to count his day patiently everyday. And he told me he is so looking forward to SATURDAY! The D-DAY!
And the house was here. But it needs lots of clean-up and we need to assemble it ourself. Gosh, we spent hours of cleaning and getting everything together! Tiring!!! And i couldn't help to feel that we are 24 孝父母!
The boys love it! They have so much fun pretend-play with it especially Zq. I am so glad i bought this for them, this is definitely a good toy for their imagination & creativity to run wild! :)

Zq is manning his 豆浆 stall and An An is his 1st customer. Each cup of soyabean milk is selling at 两块。And when i bought 3 cups from him and asked him how much in total? The answer is still 两块!Haa :p

This is how An An gets in and out of the house. Like a lil doggie!

Gor gor, drink this!

When there's no customer, this lil boss likes to do his jigsaw puzzle in it :p

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