Today, the IDC dental clinic hosting a "kids day", they chose 30 kids to have dental visit and teeth cleaning for free. And we were lucky to get selected through a Beijing expat forum.
This clinic is truely kids-friendly with lots of toys, drawing easels, story books of tooth fairy, and a TV that showed Barney! Zq was fascinated by the "purple-animal" and he told me “妈妈,你看,紫色的恐龙在跳舞" :p
We just had a short wait for our turn. As expected, Zq was reluctant to open his mouth for dentist to check his teeth. We coaxed, sang, laugh, made funny faces and told intriguing stories and he finally opened up his golden mouth. Dentist said he had no teeth problem, no sign of decay, no discoloration, but she told me a term that i had never heard before - Underbite.
She said Zq had a mild case of this and most likely he would need a braces when his adult teeth newly formed. I was confused at that moment, not knowing what was it exactly but i couldn't help but worried, it must be something quite terrible that need him to be on braces at such a young age. She explained further that Zq's lower jaw is more developed than his upper jaw, and his lower teeth is positioned in front of his upper teeth. This seemed to answer my doubt! As i always find Zq's smiles are abit different but i couldn't point-out what's wrong with that.. And she told me this is most likely genetic and he's born with the skeletal structure like this, nothing much we can do at the moment, we just have to wait till his adult teeth are out then the rectification and adjustment can be done.
I was sad, very very sad, i gave him an imperfect jaw skeletal structure, no one in the family has underbite, not that i aware of... And the thought that he has to undergo such braces treatment is killing me.. I want him to have a happy childhood and not being "tortured" by all these stupid braces! I know i need to stay optimistic and pray hard that this problem can be self-rectified once his adult teeth are out, though dentist told me chances are slim but i still sincerely hope that there's a miracle...
His previous dentists never mentioned about this, this make me wanted to seek another opinion and to get a clearer idea of what i should do. I certainly hope that i able to give him whatever treatment in time so this issue can be corrected perfectly. Though he had a missing tooth and an underbite, i still love his smile very much... It is the most genuine and sincere sparkle that never fail to bring a smile on my face as well...

Some write-up about Underbite:
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