Saturday, March 28, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Little Helper

Other than books, this is his favourite toy now (thank you aunty Liz!).
He likes to copycat Ayi by vacuuming every corner of the house, even under the table and bed. Another thing that fascinated him so much is the MOP! he will snatch over Ayi's mop everyday and want to mop the floor himself. I hope this "virtue" of him can continue till he grows up, then i can delegate some of the housechores to him :p
Monday, March 23, 2009
His recent Sweeeet Acts..
1) Keep calling Ma Ma with high clarity and in his ultra sweet tone... it melts me all the time... and he sure knows how to make use of this. A few occasions that he did something naughty and i gonna scold him, he will keep calling Ma Ma with an innocent face...
2) Every morning he will fetch my slippers for me, so when Dear asked him "where's my slippers?" this morning, he puzzled abit and get 1 of my slipper to his daddy.. what a fair kid, so Dear and me get 1 side of slipper at the end..
3) Whenever one of us hold his hand while walking, he will immediately reach for the other hand of papa/ mama.. And when both of us hold his hand, he will smile and hold our hands tight.. I feel so blessed, what more can i ask for...
He is learning things at a faster pace now, whenever i teach him some new stuff he will be able to pick up fast and show it to me... I hope i can catch up his pace and not deprieve him of anything esp at my current heavily pregnant state... He's such a sweetie now, and i love him sosososososos much! :)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
天安门始建于明永乐十五年(1417年),原名“承天门”,取“承天启运”、“受命于天”之意.此同时. 当时天安门是一座黄瓦飞檐、三层楼的五洞牌坊,朱漆金钉,光彩夺目。一条笔直的中心御道,穿过端门,直通皇宫正门的午门。

子骞玩得不亦乐乎, 尤其是走上走下梯级... 爸爸可是累坏了... 哈哈! (我是小皇帝!)
神武门 (中国末代皇帝溥仪被驱逐出宫时是从此门离去的)
在参观紫禁城时, 我有许多感触, 仿佛回到古时候, 感受到皇帝的尊贵与霸气, 真不愧是九五之尊. 也看见了一些熟悉的场景, 都有出现在电影 "中国末代皇帝 - 溥仪" 和电视剧 "金枝欲孽" 里. 子骞还太小, 不懂得体会到这故宫的历史与它如和经历了改朝换代, 至今依然那么雄伟. 以往是普通老百姓却步的地方, 而如今已成了世界各地游客纷纷到访的历史古迹. 希望子骞和彦安也会对中国文化有着浓厚的兴趣, 并从其中领略一些作人的道理...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Char Kuay Teow

Gynae checkup @ Beijing
At here, the ultrasound scan here was done by sonographer and not the gynae. It was a very detailed one as the sonographer checked on baby's head circumference, thigh length, tummy circumference, aminiotic level, position of placenta, heartbeat, blood flow throughout the placenta etc. A 3D scan was done also but part of his face was blocked by placenta and his hand. Baby is head down but she said it's still early to confirm the postition as baby may shift to another position again. She was very patient and explained lots of details to me. She even commented that little baby's features looked like Zq, which i agree too especially the forehead and the nose! :)
Baby weighed at 1.7kg, head circumference is big at 99 percentile! She commented that this is a big head baby.. Haa, same as Zq who was borned with head circumference of 36cm. Urine test was done and glad that my glucose level is normal as i have been indulge in my ice-cream feast recently :p
Then we visited the gynae, she commented that baby at 30 week but of 32 week size, so she asked me to prepare for earlier labour. Luckily i will back to Singapore on 11 April.. And baby was so excited when gynae pressed on my tummy to check by giving her a super hard kick! She said that i have a pair of super active brothers coz Zq was rummaging and ransacking every cabinets in Gynae's room!
Very happy to know that little baby is growing well inside my crampy tummy... Though with his big head circumference, the gynae here mentioned that higher chance of caessarian again as the history of my very slow dilation may happen again, and baby's big head circumference may also cause rupture to my casessarian wound during labour... As much as i wish to have a natural delivery, i also wish to deliver a healthy baby without going through unnecessary stress for baby and mummy.. So i shall heed Dr Ang's advice when i back to Singapore for checkup... As long as baby can be delivered safely, i don't mind the pain of being "cut" again.. I look forward to your arrival, Yan An! :)
After the checkup, we brought Zq for a walk at the park downstair... I was surprised to see that flowers start to blossom, and the garden is much greener, the Spring touch is finally here! This shows that it had been quite sometime i brought Zq down to the park.. And Zq was so excited with this doggie, it's called Tiantian, 4 yr old.. They played with each other for quite a while before they parted.. Tiantian was actually reluctant to part with Zq as it stood on the spot and looked at Zq, not willing to move on though his owner asked him to do so... :p

Friday, March 20, 2009
Cheeky Boy!

thinking hard what to draw...

simply draw something la.. mama very annoying, keep asking me to draw!
hmm.. i duno what im drawing also..

mama, can i stop drawing?
come, let me flash a big smile to u :)

and my favourite "fake" smile :p
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
彦: 指品德, 才学出众的人
安: 这是宝宝给我的感觉… 他和我一起经厉了许多, 自从怀了他, 我就一直在搬家, 整理一家的行礼, 飞到北京找屋子并在那里安居下来…子骞也在学走的时期, 所以我身心特别劳累… 可是小宝宝一直让我很安心, 既使很多时候我很忙, 有时在照顾子骞时还难免有些危险的举动, 他都一直坚强安全的在我肚子里一天天的长大… 我愿这宝宝一生都过得安然, 安全,安稳和安逸…
我和老公都很喜欢这个名字, 我们愿宝贝长大成为一个有高尚品得和情操的人, 也愿他一生安稳...
彦安, 爸爸妈妈都很期待你的到来, 这几个月你的坚强让妈妈领悟了许多... 谢谢你宝贝.. 我们都很爱你...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Zq is 17th month
- take papa’s spectacles to him, and my hairclip & and slippers for me every morning
- can recognise the alphabet ABC and say the alphabet “A”
- can recognise real animal pictures from his pcture books - lion, dog, cat, snake, giraffe,
chimpanzee, polar bear, panda bear
- can say words like papa, bread, eat, car, 'kai' (open), kiss
- more babbling... more shouting & screaming also (which i really dislike!)
- can climb up to higher places like bed, sofa and highchair
- able to sit on a stool w/o backing steadily
- knows more parts of his body and can point to me correctly – ears, toes, teeth, eyes,
tummy, knees, mouth, head, hair, fingers, nose, cheek.. (he got problem distinguish
"hand" & "head", always got confused with these two)
- his favourite animal at the moment is Lion, he will roar like a lion everyday, i should say
every hour.. He just enjoy to be "fierce".. haa!
He is really a sweetie now, he will fetch me my slippers when i forgot to wear and he will kiss me on lips when he likes... I really enjoy every moment with him though it can be very tiring at times.. He loves to take his book to me, and sit on my lap to get ready for the story time.. It's common that i read him 10-20 books a day and he never get sick of the stories while i feel like im a tap recorder at times :p But i enjoy these moments so much that he sits on my lap and we make fun sounds and actions out of the stories..
Zq gonna be a big brother in another 2.5 months time.. Im not sure whether can i handle and give my quality attention to both of them well, though i really wish i can do so... So at the moment i treasure all these Zq & me time more dearly... I love you Zq, very very much....
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Busy cooking day

Onde onde
Curry chicken rendang
Pineapple fried rice
Stir fried broccoli
Actually im pretty proud of myself, despite heavily pregnant im still able to prepare and cook so many dished all by myself without any help! :) Though it's very very tiring after a long day of standing in the kitchen...
Most importantly, the guest seemed to enjoy himself as well. I really love to cook, especially for my loved ones.. So im inspire to try out more new & healthy recipes, as Zq will be joining the table for meals very soon!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Strawberry Shock
He refused to let me feed him and prefer to self feed. So i just gave him some strawberries and went and prepare his dinner..
Then i realised i forgot to remove the stem/ leave for him! So worried he might eat it as well so i quickly dashed out from kitchen and wanted to remove that for him. But i thought it was too late when i saw him walked towards me with both hands held up high and a cheeky face. Nothing on his hands at all! I must be too late..
Guess what i saw then:

This smart boy knew that this was not edible! Clap Clap Zq! :)