At here, the ultrasound scan here was done by sonographer and not the gynae. It was a very detailed one as the sonographer checked on baby's head circumference, thigh length, tummy circumference, aminiotic level, position of placenta, heartbeat, blood flow throughout the placenta etc. A 3D scan was done also but part of his face was blocked by placenta and his hand. Baby is head down but she said it's still early to confirm the postition as baby may shift to another position again. She was very patient and explained lots of details to me. She even commented that little baby's features looked like Zq, which i agree too especially the forehead and the nose! :)
Baby weighed at 1.7kg, head circumference is big at 99 percentile! She commented that this is a big head baby.. Haa, same as Zq who was borned with head circumference of 36cm. Urine test was done and glad that my glucose level is normal as i have been indulge in my ice-cream feast recently :p
Then we visited the gynae, she commented that baby at 30 week but of 32 week size, so she asked me to prepare for earlier labour. Luckily i will back to Singapore on 11 April.. And baby was so excited when gynae pressed on my tummy to check by giving her a super hard kick! She said that i have a pair of super active brothers coz Zq was rummaging and ransacking every cabinets in Gynae's room!
Very happy to know that little baby is growing well inside my crampy tummy... Though with his big head circumference, the gynae here mentioned that higher chance of caessarian again as the history of my very slow dilation may happen again, and baby's big head circumference may also cause rupture to my casessarian wound during labour... As much as i wish to have a natural delivery, i also wish to deliver a healthy baby without going through unnecessary stress for baby and mummy.. So i shall heed Dr Ang's advice when i back to Singapore for checkup... As long as baby can be delivered safely, i don't mind the pain of being "cut" again.. I look forward to your arrival, Yan An! :)
After the checkup, we brought Zq for a walk at the park downstair... I was surprised to see that flowers start to blossom, and the garden is much greener, the Spring touch is finally here! This shows that it had been quite sometime i brought Zq down to the park.. And Zq was so excited with this doggie, it's called Tiantian, 4 yr old.. They played with each other for quite a while before they parted.. Tiantian was actually reluctant to part with Zq as it stood on the spot and looked at Zq, not willing to move on though his owner asked him to do so... :p
Beautiful flowers blossom at park downstair

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