My little baobei is turning 7 month old today. Oh boy, time just sped by and you are a big baby now!
Okay, some updates on your growth and milestones:
- weighing 9.5kg (about 5.6kg increment of birth-weight)
- having 3 bottom teeth
- able to sit unsupported very steadily
- crawl backwards, though your aim is to crawl forward to take the toys. haa.
- blabbering alot. and your favourite word is "da da da"
- able to recognise your own name and response to it
- starts to have separation anxiety
- your favourite past time: biting everything that within sight and you can reach, blowing saliva, dancing & move along with music (which mama and papa seriously think you are so musically-inclinced as you move on the beat & rhythm!). I gonna bring you to Kindermusik soon and i bet you will enjoy it to bits! :)
You are always so happy and easily contented... Flashing your big and mimiyan smile to everyone near you... Mummy is so blessed to have you, you are a god-send to me..
An an, sorry for many "wait until".. Mama seems to have endless chores to do, taking care of gor gor and you, daily routines and schedules, preparing for gor gor's new school, preparing for shifting house in a month time, doing online grocery and marketing for gor gor and your stuff... And i have used too many "wait until..." on you, always wanting to get my things done to have more play time and chit chatting time with you.. I am learning to be a better mum for you, i promise no more "wait until" and i shall cherish my every minutes with you alone.. As time just flies by and you are growing up too fast, mama don't want to miss out any of these stages and moments.. You are too precious for me.. I love you An An.. Forever...
Okay, some updates on your growth and milestones:
- weighing 9.5kg (about 5.6kg increment of birth-weight)
- having 3 bottom teeth
- able to sit unsupported very steadily
- crawl backwards, though your aim is to crawl forward to take the toys. haa.
- blabbering alot. and your favourite word is "da da da"
- able to recognise your own name and response to it
- starts to have separation anxiety
- your favourite past time: biting everything that within sight and you can reach, blowing saliva, dancing & move along with music (which mama and papa seriously think you are so musically-inclinced as you move on the beat & rhythm!). I gonna bring you to Kindermusik soon and i bet you will enjoy it to bits! :)
You are always so happy and easily contented... Flashing your big and mimiyan smile to everyone near you... Mummy is so blessed to have you, you are a god-send to me..
An an, sorry for many "wait until".. Mama seems to have endless chores to do, taking care of gor gor and you, daily routines and schedules, preparing for gor gor's new school, preparing for shifting house in a month time, doing online grocery and marketing for gor gor and your stuff... And i have used too many "wait until..." on you, always wanting to get my things done to have more play time and chit chatting time with you.. I am learning to be a better mum for you, i promise no more "wait until" and i shall cherish my every minutes with you alone.. As time just flies by and you are growing up too fast, mama don't want to miss out any of these stages and moments.. You are too precious for me.. I love you An An.. Forever...
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