The year that I turned 30 year old! I am determined I shall appreciate my life more and make it a more meaningful one!
*Beware, it’s a super long-winded post ahead…
Jan 2010: We visited Lama Temple (雍和宫)in Beijing on 1st January, an eye-opener for us as the temple was super crowded with people praying for a good year ahead. A very cold winter and we had so much fun with snow! Shifting to our new house at Beijing, Oceanwide International Apartment 泛海国际。A bigger apartment of 200m2 for us, love it to bits! Bye bye Palm Springs!
Some unhappiness between me and my ayi, Xiao Chen. We decided to change another helper. Madness for me as we just shifted house and Chinese New Year was near. Did I mentioned An An loves to crawl on butt?! This funny boy! :p
Feb 2010: Craziness continued. What made it worse was that Zq was sick and need to hospitalized to be on drip, hubby was outstation and couldn’t rush back on time, I had no choice but to leave An An at home with a temporary ayi for a long 8 hours! And this poor boy decided to be on hunger-strike and ate/ drank nothing at all during this period. Luckily Zq’s teacher (Yuan Yuan laoshi) came and helped out at hospital, with her accompanied Zq, I was rest assured and back home to feed my lil boy. I was so helpess and torn-apart then. I weeped uncontrollably when I hugged my boys to sleep on that fateful night. Nothing matter more than their health. One-man show indeed wore me out, but something I looked forward had realized, my parent’s arrival to celebrate Chinese New Year with us. Hurray!!! We went to 庙会,Forbidden City and some other places. All the makan, shopping and bonding with grandsons, I certainly hope they enjoyed their coldest Chinese New Year here.
March 2010: We were very lucky to have our new ayi, Meng ayi. She was great and my boys adore her. We celebrated Dear’s 33 year old birthday, Zq and me baked some birthday cookies for him and Zq decided to give papa a big present that was his 1st poo in potty! Haa.
April 2010: 1st April is not April Fool for us, it’s Full of Presents day for us! Dear back from his 1 day Hong Kong business trip and got me a Prada wallet, a Vtech lappy for Zq and a walker for An An. We love papa so much! Muacks! Weather turned warmer means more outing for us. 天坛,香山,horse-riding, boating, etc. And Zq’s school celebrated Earth Day by inviting families to plant trees in a park, it was unforgettable experience. It’s a very happy month for me!
May 2010: Celebrated Mother’s Day at Zq’s class with all the little ones and their mummies. It was a lovely celebration; kids sang songs, presented flowers, cards and tea for their mothers. We back to Singapore to celebrate An An’s 1st birthday! Yeah! My little teddy bear turned one! We had a simple lunch & celebration at Grand Plaza Parkroyal, Haixiang restaurant. We had so much fun back home, Dear and me had a wonderful feasting time and the boys had a lovely bonding time with grandparents, relatives and their little friends. We stayed at Festive Hotel (Sentosa) for a night, enjoyed the beach, swimming and riding luge. We definitely want to visit again! And Zq was successfully off-diaper for daytime! Well done boy
June 2010: I was officially 30 year old. And we made it to the Great Wall! With 2 young kids on tow, it was definitely challenging and tiring, plus the weather was hot and sun was super glaring. But it was all worthy, Zq could still remember he went to 爬长城 till date! Zq had his 1st bicycle and he could cycle well on his 1st attempt (with aided wheels of course :p)
July 2010: An An walked unassisted at 13.5 month old! Clap clap! Zq’s one month summer school holiday started. More places we visited, 前门,日坛,布拉格农场, Blue Zoo etc. It’s a month of Sun & Fun!
Aug 2010: Zq’s summer holiday started and it means more chaotic at home. Never seriously plan activities for him, just lots of art & crafts, jiao-zi making with ayi, picnic & boating at 玉渊潭, 四德公园. We made some Singapore flags on National Day and watched the NDP on CNAI! Count on me Singapore!
Sep 2010: Zq was promoted to Primary Class 1 wef 13th September. We had Mid-Autumn celebration at his school; he was reluctant to perform and was extremely stage-fright. I hope he will improve over time and willing to be under the limelight soon. More outings to parks for kite-flying, and I found my favourite park in Beijing, 地坛公园。
Oct 2010: My heroine’s arrival at Beijing! My mama traveled to Beijing all by herself, her 1st time taking flight alone and we are so proud of her. We spent the happiest 2 weeks here, shopping and sight-seeing. Thanks Dear for taking care the boys while I can shop with ease We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and Zq’s 3rd birthday on 10th. I baked a fondant cake with theme of Toy Story 3. I was so proud of myself and Zq loved it so much!
Nov 2010: Our 1st family oversea vacation to Jeju (Korea). It was a lovely holiday for all of us. I would never forget the experience, just the 4 of us, exploring a totally different place with unfamiliar language, it was just so exciting. We enjoyed ourselves and the boys had been very cooperative throughout the trip, they sure deserved more holiday! And we want to make it a yearly event for us. Autumn was here, leaves turned yellow and leaving the trees bald. We celebrated Thanksgiving at Zq’s school, and An An had his virgin ride on pony!
Dec 2010: The winter is so cold, and it’s -11 degree when I am penning down my post. An An attended his 1st class at Music Together, he enjoyed it and we noticed he’s really musically inclined! Cooking of 汤圆 to celebrate 冬至。We did lots of art & craft relating Christmas. Zq and me baked some Christmas muffins for his teachers and classmates. It’s a month of celebration! And as the year ending very soon, our stay at Beijing is nearing end as well. Opportunities are coming in from Singapore, Hong Kong and Abu dhabi, but till date, we yet to make our decision for our next move. I hope we will make the best decision for the family. Whatever decision it is, 2011 will be a very challenging year for us because of the move again. I hope I can have all the strength to settle down the boys well in the new environment.
In overall, 2010 is a happy and good year for me, as the boys are growing well and strong, learning things at an amazing rate. Zq is very interested in learning Chinese words now and An An able to speak in short phrases and shows great interest in music. My parents are generally in good health and my sisters are leading their blissful life. And I am a contented mother & wife of my doting hubby. What more can I ask for!
Adious Beijing & 2010!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
When An An cried real hard...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Big and small letters
The best way to stop the 2 crazy boys shouting and running around the house when they woke up from nap is to think of some spontaneous activity for them if there's no planned for the noon.
I wrote A to K in both big and small letters, and i asked Zq to circle the big letters using big circle of the stencil and small circles for the small letters. Then connect these pairs to complete his work! Simple instructions and almost costless material, 10minutes of quiet moments for me in return.. Happy! :)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I must mention this as i find it's extremely cute and caring of Zq for saying these.
Pasting sticker book in one of our routine for nights, i am glad that sticker books here are so so cheap and they comes with wide varieties of selections, such as Maths, Languages, EQ, IQ and some thematic books.
It triggered my heartiest smile when we came to this page.
Though i found it's rather amusing for him having such thoughts as it's only a sticker book after all, but i was heart warming by having this caring boy. He's always the 1st one to rush to didi if he falls or need help. And he certainly helps me lots day in and out, he's good at doing some minor housechores and more than happy to help. And he starts showing this greatest virtue of him since young ~ compassionate.
Pasting sticker book in one of our routine for nights, i am glad that sticker books here are so so cheap and they comes with wide varieties of selections, such as Maths, Languages, EQ, IQ and some thematic books.
It triggered my heartiest smile when we came to this page.
Zq: 妈妈,我不要贴这个鳄鱼。。
Me: 为什么呢?
Zq: 因为它会把小朋友吃掉的 (and he had a very worried expression)
Me: 不会的,有这些木头会挡着它,鳄鱼不会吃掉小朋友的
Zq: 木头会被水冲走的,这样子鳄鱼就会游到他们的旁边了。我不要鳄鱼吃他们,他们很可怜
Friday, December 24, 2010
All i want for Xmas is...
a white xmas!
But am sad that there's no sign of snowing at all... Though it's freezing cold at -10 degree when i fetched Zq back from school just now. I dreamt of scenes that my boys making snowman in a whole white patch of ground, throwing snowballs at each other, how i wish my dreams can come true!
Please... let it snow let it snow let it snow.....................
But am sad that there's no sign of snowing at all... Though it's freezing cold at -10 degree when i fetched Zq back from school just now. I dreamt of scenes that my boys making snowman in a whole white patch of ground, throwing snowballs at each other, how i wish my dreams can come true!
Please... let it snow let it snow let it snow.....................
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
This is one of my favourite Chinese traditional festive. I would make some 汤圆 with my kids every year and the kids love it! I love the meanings of this festive, 团圆, definitely means so much to me. While i was preparing the ingredient, it brought back vivid memories when i was young, my sisters and me enjoyed helping out in the kitchen, preparing the 汤圆 and helped my mama to bring bowls of cooked 汤圆 to altar as offerings. I missed those days, especially in this cold winter of Beijing, i miss my parents and sisters even more...
~ 冬至的典故 ~
“冬至”的意思就是“冬季到了极点”,这个“极点”指的不是气温,而是地球与太阳的关系,这一天,太阳直射南回归线(冬至线〕,北半球白 天最短,黑夜最长,这天之后,太阳又逐渐北移。“冬至”原是农民农忙 之后庆丰收的节日。
This year, i decided to make the glutinous cake myself. And i used pumpkin and pandan leave juice for the colourings of my 汤圆 (though the effect is not that obvious! haa)
Serious boy @ work
Funny boy @ work
Our 汤圆!
This is the 1st time Zq cooks! I decided to let him try out under my close supervision. And he enjoyed it so much! He's really keen and insist to boil all the 汤圆 by himself, 有始有终。It's a good chance to show him some before and after effect, how foods are being prepared and cooked. So he will appreciate what's serve on his plates more and most importantly, i sincerely hope that he will appreciate my effort of preparing his meals everyday! Hoping that he is able to finish his food by himself so not to waste my effort :)
Curtains can be so fun!
I wonder why An An loves to play with curtain so much! Or is it every kids at this age has the same fascination?
Monday, December 20, 2010
A sickly week
Both boys were down. Zq started to have really chesty cough and runny nose last Sunday and it got worse on Monday so we brought him to see vist Dr. Pauline, our regular PD here at Beijing. Glad to hear that it's just normal cold and cough and no wheezing detected though he was extremely phlegmy. Coupled with the cough is a series of vomit episodes which really drives me crazy as i got lots of cleaning up to do after which. He was absent from school from Tuesday to Thursday, he couldn't wait to back to school and diligently reminded me to give him medicine as he claimed that “老师和小朋友都很想子骞,他们在等我”. It's good that he loves school but i also starts to enjoy his days at home, doing some activities, art & craft with him, he's rather mature now and knows that mama's time & attention need to be split between didi and him, and he's been rather understanding on this. My big boy, he has grown up so much...
Then it was An An's turn to fall sick. He developed high fever suddenly at 39 degree celsius! No sign of unwell prior to this. He looked so lethargic, insisted to ride on his rocking horse and didn't allow anyone to touch him including me, this was weird. He was moaning on his rocking horse and not rocking it at all, looking so pitiful. I took him to Dr Pauline and we did a blood test, it was bacteria infection, so antibiotic "Augmentin" was prescribed. She told me he should recovered from fever by Saturday, as bacteria infection came and recovered fast. But his temperature has been yo-yo-ing for the past few days, just as we thought the fever was gone for good, it back again! And to make thing worse, he had diarrhoea, vomiting, coughing, runny nose and a very sore butt resulting from the frequent loose bowels, he was not spared from the "full package". It was tortorous to see his lil body fighting so many sick bugs! :( We brought him for another PD visit just to make sure it was not the side effect of antibiotic. He has been a strong healthy boy with little illness, this is his 3rd time falling sick in this 18 months, and it takes rather long to recover everytime. Please be well soon my lil teddy bear.. It's so painful to see that you have to take these medicines and your hoarse voice from all the chesty cough.. Love you both, be strong! Mama is fighting the ill bugs together with you!
Then it was An An's turn to fall sick. He developed high fever suddenly at 39 degree celsius! No sign of unwell prior to this. He looked so lethargic, insisted to ride on his rocking horse and didn't allow anyone to touch him including me, this was weird. He was moaning on his rocking horse and not rocking it at all, looking so pitiful. I took him to Dr Pauline and we did a blood test, it was bacteria infection, so antibiotic "Augmentin" was prescribed. She told me he should recovered from fever by Saturday, as bacteria infection came and recovered fast. But his temperature has been yo-yo-ing for the past few days, just as we thought the fever was gone for good, it back again! And to make thing worse, he had diarrhoea, vomiting, coughing, runny nose and a very sore butt resulting from the frequent loose bowels, he was not spared from the "full package". It was tortorous to see his lil body fighting so many sick bugs! :( We brought him for another PD visit just to make sure it was not the side effect of antibiotic. He has been a strong healthy boy with little illness, this is his 3rd time falling sick in this 18 months, and it takes rather long to recover everytime. Please be well soon my lil teddy bear.. It's so painful to see that you have to take these medicines and your hoarse voice from all the chesty cough.. Love you both, be strong! Mama is fighting the ill bugs together with you!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
We love to read
We have a playroom (the boys called it "playroom") but it was set up as a "library" initially. But very soon, this room is filled up with lots and lots of their toys and the books have to make space for the toys. I am glad i have 2 shelvings for all the books, so they will not land everywhere. I had even categorised them according to languages and size of the books, though it's challenging getting everyone to follow and put back the books accordingly after reading, this applies to papa also (ahem!).
They love to sit on my laps and listen to my story-telling. And they love to sit side by side and read like this...
Sweet brothers reading together...
I have been reading to them since they were newborn and i am happy that my due diligence to incalcate this reading habit seems paying off. Everyday, i notice the boys will get some books and read themselve, and they will also approach me to read for them. I can now read with Zq instead of reading to him as he can recognise some words and also remember the contents of the book well. An An loves to read also, i was amazed at this young age he remembers most of the stuff i read to him and almost all the titles of the books when i asked him to fetch them to me. Beside Eric Carle series of books, i noticed some of Zq's favorites now are Cinderella, Toy Story etc.. I don't quite like the idea to introduce too much fiction stories to them, and less cartoon characters if possible, so i guess it's time for me to "hide" some books away from him..
They love to sit on my laps and listen to my story-telling. And they love to sit side by side and read like this...
Sweet brothers reading together...
Gor gor, are you trying to stranggle me?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Isn't it sweet....
to have such a lovely boy...
Zq was back to school after his sick episode, something he looked forward so much. The morning was rather quiet as there was only An An at home, i actually start to miss the chaotic fighting & snatching scene of the past few days, am i crazy?! Haa.
Well, i was so happy to see a bubbly him dashed into the house when he back from school. And what made my eyes red and wet were the 2 gifts he brought home for me.
~ The Bracelet ~
As what teacher shared with Dear, Zq did this bracelet as 1 of his montessori work to master his fine motor skill. He thread the beads all by himself and he requested to take it home as he wanted to give this to mama. On the 1st moment when he reached home, he opened up his fist, showed me this and shouted with glee, “妈妈,这是我做的手链,我要送给你,你喜欢吗?”“妈妈,你要带手链去 gaigai 哦"... I am so touched, he is always so sweet and as what Dear said, Zq cares about me very much, he cares about my mood, my impressions of him, my likes and dislikes.. And i am always the 1st in his thought when he had something to give..

~ 感恩卡 ~
Every kid in the class wrote what they thankful for on the Thanksgiving Day. As Zq still couldn't write, teacher pen it down for him. And 妈妈 is the 1st on list! When i asked him again what he thankful for, he recited in the correct orders as what written. And he said ”我最喜欢妈妈了”“妈妈每天很辛苦照顾我和弟弟”。I am so proud and happy i am the 1st in his list. 

Zq and me shared a very strong bond, sometimes i feel that we even have telepathy. Dear always said we are very mushy as we like to say lots of “你爱我吗?你是我的宝贝” etc.. I guess it's the effect of sour grapes :p Anyway, i love my mummy boy so much now, i am not sure whether will he still saying all these to me few years down the road, but i cherish every moment now... And i am so fortunate to have such a caring and affectionate boy.. 子骞,你永远都是妈妈的宝贝,我爱你。。。
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christmas Candy
Christmas candy outlines that i cut out, Zq supposed to cut it out but he's monkeying around. And he told me my candy looks like 拐杖!:p
And we punched a hole and tie a ribbon, our lovely book marks :)
Zq was fascinated with the hole-puncher then and spent a long time punching holes with it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010
1st Encounter with Santa Claus!
Zq has been fascinated over Santa Claus has i have been telling him he will get a present from Santa on Christmas if he is well-behaved. And i must admit this is a good trick, as when he starts to get unreasonable everytime, i would tell him Santa knows if he misbehave and there would be no present for you. He will then turn into his "obedience-mode" immediately, haa :p

I wish that he can see the "real" Santa so he knows it's for real, and Santa not just another story told by mama and from storybooks. So i brought him to a "Tea with Santa" afternoon tea organised by an expat mama. There was some song-singing, yummy snacks and mingle around with other kids. And we were surprised to bump into Zq's lead teacher, Laura and her daughter there! What a small Beijing :)
Zq's reaction of his 1st meet-up with Santa was expected. Rather taken-aback and reluctant to shake hands with him, not to mention sit on his lap. I shaked hand with Santa and even requested a photo taken with him, to show to Zq that it's really alright, Santa is just a nice old man with long white beard. He then started to open up and willing to stand closer to him. I remembered vividly my 1st encounter with Santa was when i was about 6 year old, in a shopping centre with my mama & jiejie, i was running frantically and crying out loud when the Santa approached me with a candy. Haa, what a silly girl right :p
When i asked Zq to offer Santa some biscuits, he told me he couldn't eat as he has no mouth. This is hilarious! And so cute to observe how a 3yo seeing his world.. :)
Zq enjoying himself with his lil friends...

Teacher Laura with her daughter, Maia.

Last but not least, with the Santa! Papa came and fetched us after An An woke up from his long nap :)

Blessed with Boys

My life is complete with you, my boys. Mama enjoys you both calling "mama" from dawn till dusk everyday. Hug and sit on my lap whenever you feel like to. It's just so endearing when Zq told me “我最爱妈妈了” “妈妈, 你喜不喜欢我?"... And An An plants a super wet muacks on my lips every now and then. Thanks Dear, for making it possible for me to spend all my time with our BaoBeis.. :)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Music Together
On 4 December (Sat), An An started his 1st music class at Music Together, we decided to enrol him after a trial class as i love the atmosphere and how the class is conducted, teachers are engaging as well, great songs and nice mix of classmates. I noticed he's quite musically inclined, he loves to move with beats, "sing" songs and he's good at remembering lyrics. Music can always calm him down and brighten up his mood :)
He was abit shy at the beginning, sat on my lap and observing others intensely. On and off he would turned and looked at me, i would return with a smile and hug to ensure that i am always here with him and we are in a very safe environment. It didn't take too long for him to warm up and he started to move around, dance with the song and even tap his feet with the rhythm!
The fee is 1100 renminbi for 10 classes, and this including some home materials for us to practice at home. He loves the songs so much and would request me to play it everyday for him. Especially the "Hello Everybody, it's nice to see you..." "Sleep sleep sleep in the car..." He will "sing" with actions. Totally enjoying it! :)
He was abit shy at the beginning, sat on my lap and observing others intensely. On and off he would turned and looked at me, i would return with a smile and hug to ensure that i am always here with him and we are in a very safe environment. It didn't take too long for him to warm up and he started to move around, dance with the song and even tap his feet with the rhythm!
The fee is 1100 renminbi for 10 classes, and this including some home materials for us to practice at home. He loves the songs so much and would request me to play it everyday for him. Especially the "Hello Everybody, it's nice to see you..." "Sleep sleep sleep in the car..." He will "sing" with actions. Totally enjoying it! :)
More about Music Together:
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