My 5 minutes arty-crafty time again!
I love reading Beijing Kids, a magazine with comprehensive information and recommendations of new play areas in Beijing, recipe and DIY arts for parents to try on (especially in this cold cold winter when most of us are home-bound), interesting articles written by expat mums/ dads to share their raising kids experience in Beijing. And most important of all, it's FREE! and readily available in supermarkets and schools. I will always grab a copy at the beginning of month and reading it with great anticipation for all the new insights. And i always happy to find some new "discoveries" of each issues.
I love reading Beijing Kids, a magazine with comprehensive information and recommendations of new play areas in Beijing, recipe and DIY arts for parents to try on (especially in this cold cold winter when most of us are home-bound), interesting articles written by expat mums/ dads to share their raising kids experience in Beijing. And most important of all, it's FREE! and readily available in supermarkets and schools. I will always grab a copy at the beginning of month and reading it with great anticipation for all the new insights. And i always happy to find some new "discoveries" of each issues.
There is an article showing illustrating how to make gingerbread men. So i get ready my scissors and paper and start cutting (a prelude to the baking of my gingerbread cookies!) hee..

Cutting gingerbread men nicely is a challenging work for my 3yo, it involves fine motor skill that he has yet to master well. He cuts through the gingerbread men's head & limbs and making it a handicapped one instead. Haa! And i definitely love to involve him in this artwork, he is happy when i ask for his help to draw some face features of this gingerbread man. Look at his creation!

The 1st man was drawn by me, 2nd one was Zq's creation. I love his "cheeky" gingergerbread man! :)
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