Wednesday, December 22, 2010


This is one of my favourite Chinese traditional festive. I would make some 汤圆 with my kids every year and the kids love it! I love the meanings of this festive, 团圆, definitely means so much to me. While i was preparing the ingredient, it brought back vivid memories when i was young, my sisters and me enjoyed helping out in the kitchen, preparing the 汤圆 and helped my mama to bring bowls of cooked 汤圆 to altar as offerings. I missed those days, especially in this cold winter of Beijing, i miss my parents and sisters even more...

~ 冬至的典故 ~

“冬至”的意思就是“冬季到了极点”,这个“极点”指的不是气温,而是地球与太阳的关系,这一天,太阳直射南回归线(冬至线〕,北半球白 天最短,黑夜最长,这天之后,太阳又逐渐北移。“冬至”原是农民农忙 之后庆丰收的节日。

This year, i decided to make the glutinous cake myself. And i used pumpkin and pandan leave juice for the colourings of my 汤圆 (though the effect is not that obvious! haa)

Serious boy @ work

Funny boy @ work
Our 汤圆!
This is the 1st time Zq cooks! I decided to let him try out under my close supervision. And he enjoyed it so much! He's really keen and insist to boil all the 汤圆 by himself, 有始有终。It's a good chance to show him some before and after effect, how foods are being prepared and cooked. So he will appreciate what's serve on his plates more and most importantly, i sincerely hope that he will appreciate my effort of preparing his meals everyday! Hoping that he is able to finish his food by himself  so not to waste my effort :)


Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers