The materials needed:
- white canvas sheet
- masking tape
- blue & purple paint
Masking tape is used to form the shape of a snowflake. And recently i have been reading some Baby Einstein winter flash card to the boys, how appropriate it is to be used here again!
Snowflake facts:
- all snow is made of hundreds of thousands of tiny snowflakes. they are so tiny that one can sit on your pinky!
- snow flakes are really just little drops of water that have frozen into crystals
- each snowflake is different. no 2 are alike!

The boys painted the whole canvas sheet with blur & purple paint. Zq was engrossed and painted his picture carefully, while An An was more interested in my cammie. This activity tooks a longer time and i think it's more age-appropriate for a 3yo rather than a 18 month :)

We peeled off the masking tape after the paints dried. And we outlined the snowflake with a black marker to enhance the effect of the picture.

Isn't it lovely?

Isn't it lovely?

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