To me, this is one of his big milestones as he does not need to rely on dummy for his noon nap and night time sleep. I am so proud of him. We did try to wean him off last month but to no avail as he was teething and drooling badly then, and the biting sensation on his pacifier must have offer great degree of comfort and satisfaction for him, hence we postpone the plan till now.
It was rather a smooth and easy process, though there were quite some tossing and turning on bed, grumbling and mumbling for a long 15minutes before he finally dozed off, and not forgetting some midnight waking-ups cranky moments. But it seems that he had overcome all these, and he self-sooth to sleep pretty fast now and without much fussiness.
Actually the biggest motivation for me to wean him off now is because he has been biting and destroying his pacifiers! Look at what he had done:

I have been replacing his pacifier WEEKLY. And it add up to quite a sum monthly. Okay baby, time to say bye bye to your 奶嘴, you are indeed a big boy now. Look at your size! What's next then? Potty-training? Yes, i certainly cant wait for this as it will be a hefty saving for me!
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