The Rabbit Park was indeed a big playground for all the kids, as rabbits were free to roam about and we could just grab and play with the rabbit.. So fun! The caregiver were there to teach us how to hold a rabbit properly and Dear did a good job!
Zq was not that eager to touch and play with the rabbit initially. So we demo to him how to stroke the rabbit and he was getting excited! He started to stroke the rabbit softly, then pat it lightly, then pat it harder and with an ultimate pinch! Poor rabbit was shocked and jumped up high, Zq was shocked by this sudden reaction of rabbit also and started to fuss around.... haa :p

Started with soft stroll and massage...

Pat and pat.. getting harder and harder...

A final pinch!

Papa, i want to pull rabbit ears...

Sob sob.. Papa, why they all don't want to play with me...

We saw some deers nearby the Rabbit Park too. Zq was rather curious and wanted to stroke it again but of course, it was stopped by papa coz it might result a more drastic reaction than the rabbit!

Next, we moved on to the Horse Trails. We wanted to let Zq had a pony riding but was so sad that the person discouraged us to do so as he was too young for that! Hmph, i was so sad... I pleaded the person and told him that papa will "bjorn" the baby and we just let him ride for a few minutes but was still being rejected.. So Zq can only have such "close encounter" with the horse.

Some photos we took when we drove back to the hotel.. Nice scenaries! Zq was napping in the car while papa mama sneaked out for a few minutes of romantic moments.. hee

After his nap and shower, it was time for dinner! This little boy was very hungry and getting impatient for his dinner to be served :p

Oh... what a sweet kiss from him...

Mama kiss u back... Muacks!

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