We back to Dear's house at Simei for dinner today. Dericia had grown so much since we last met her at Zq's birthday party! Babies at this stage really grow fast, she is currently 7mths+ and she is very advanced in her motor skill as keep wanting to stand and walk! Her legs are strong and "bah bah" also :)
Zq had fun exploring new sets of toys and indulged in his own world, not playing with Dericia at all. It took a while for him to warm up as he was all grumpy when he reached but very soon started his play-engine to the full blast, squealed with excitements all the while, esp when he was playing hide-and-seek with Papa :)

Zq was busy playing Dericia toy while she posed for camera :p

Zq: Hey Dericia, did u take out all your toys to share with me?
Dericia: Mama, kor kor bully me leh...

Both: No lah, we are actually good frens! See we hold hands together :)
ZQ looks like a big kor kor next to Dericia mei mei..
Dericia mei mei also v cute leh, her bum can qiao so high.. haha..
haa! ya loh, he is kor kor but dericia mei mei more friendly than him, keep touching him to sayang him.. so sweet :)
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